Re: [squid-users] Java applet loading and caching problems with Squid

From: Tilmann Haug <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2004 09:55:35 +0100

Dear Henrik,
thanks very much for your quick answers. I believe the applet has indeed
the problems, not the squid installations of our customers. Still someow
our problem. :-(

Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> What does the proxy access logs say?
According to our customer who runs the proxy: "POST
Is that sufficient? Can i get more logging information?

>> Now the question is:
>> How can squid influence the behavior of the two applets?
> It can't, but depending on how the applet has been written it may get
> confused if the browser is configured to use a proxy.
Is there a general difference in the proxy use for the following
a) proxy use is done in the browser
b) gateways based routing over the proxy?

>> What do the developpers have to change in the applet to avoid caching
>> problems with squid?
> Only use the basic http primitives which relies on the browser http
> implementation, not some Java http implementation ontop of the Java TCP
> direct network connections.
Very interersting and pretty good advice. ould you be so kind and exlain
a bit more in detail? Especially the "on top of java section".

>> What are the importend config directions to make sure the applets are
>> not chached (for both squid and the application)?
> See "Caching
> Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters" and/or "The Cacheability Engine".
Fine, i gonna read through this. :-)

>> What relation between the request of port 65535 can there be in
>> relation to squid?

> Port 65535 is the same as port -1. -1 is sometimes used in applications
> to represent "failed to understand the value".
Thanks, very good to know.

Best regards
Received on Fri Dec 17 2004 - 01:55:37 MST

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