Re: [squid-users] Having trouble with win32_check_group (SquidNT)

From: Euan Holton <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2004 23:07:29 +0000

Thank you very much for your reply!

In their previous message, Serassio Guido wrote
>At 22.51 23/12/2004, Euan Holton wrote:
>>Is there something I'm missing? I find it puzzling that the helper is
>>failing given theoretically the same input as provided to it on a
>>command line.
>Basically it seems all correct.

Phew, I still can RTFM!

>The only difference between your manual test and the squid environment
>is that squid service runs as LocalSystem account (SYSTEM).

Does it have to run as SYSTEM account, or will it be able to run happily
as an Administrator? And do you think it'll make a difference?

>Do you are using Active Directory ? If so, there are some any special
>permission on OU containing eholton user account ? And "Pre Windows
>2000 compatibility" is enabled on your AD ?

Yes, AD is in use. I did toy briefly with using LDAP based group
helpers, but I have yet to learn a great deal about LDAP / AD and I was
really unsure about to configure the search for our specific

As far as I know there are no unusual permissions for the OU the eholton
account is in; I am not sure about that though, and can check when I'm
in work tomorrow morning (I subscribe to the Squid mailing lists there

I'll have to check that setting - and whether it's a per-person or more
global setting.

Euan                                            mailto:
Received on Thu Dec 23 2004 - 16:07:45 MST

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