Re: [squid-users] Cache refresh after edit using Zope

From: Ken Ara <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 03:14:51 -0800 (PST)

Thank you Henrik. I found more on this in Chapter 7 of
Squid: The Definitive Guide. Some Zope-specific
instructions can also be found here:

But I also have a more serious problem.

I publish a large number of RSS feeds which I update
once a day. These are cached by Squid and bear
"Last-Modified", "Expires" and "Cache-Control"
headers. But some user agents (the 'feed aggregators')
ignore these; I understand this means they do not
implement 'conditional GET'. I need Squid to send back
a "304 Not Modified" reply instead of the "200 OK" for
any fresh files and never allow a CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS
for any files called 'rss.xml'.

I would appreciate any help!

Thanks, Ken

--- Henrik Nordstrom <> wrote:

> On Thu, 30 Dec 2004, Ken Ara wrote:
> > Could Zope somehow tell Squid to perform the
> refresh?
> > Or could an acl be used to specify this?
> You should be able to add a trigger or similar to
> your Zope to
> automatically send PURGE requests to Squid when
> updating URLs.
> Regards
> Henrik

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