RE: Re: [squid-users] squid_ldap_auth or squid_ldapauth supports MD5 ?

From: Joan Ramos Ramos <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 14:38:34 +0100 (CET)

> squid_ldap_auth supports whatever passwords encryption schemes supported
> by your LDAP server, using either ldap_simple_bind to bind to the user
> object in the LDAP tree or ldap_compare to compare the selected password
> attribute with the user supplied password. In both operations it is the
> LDAP server which determines if the password is valid or not.
 on my server only works if i have a Crypt (DES) password.
 I add a test user with password test:
 # squid_ldapauth -v -q -l
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: config - found key: 'ldap-server'
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: config - got value: ''
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: config - found key: 'ldap-port'
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: config - got value: '389'
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: config - found key: 'ldap-suffix'
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: config - got value: 'o=unipost'
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: config - found key: 'ldap-filter'
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: config - got value: '(uid=%s)'
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: config - found key: 'ldap-passwdfield'
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: config - got value: 'userPassword'
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: using ldap-server => ''
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: using ldap-port => '389'
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: using ldap-suffix => 'o=unipost'
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: using ldap-filter => '(uid=%s)'
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: using ldap-passwdfield => 'userPassword'
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: using ldap-binddn => ''
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: using ldap-password => ''
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: connection etablished - waiting for queries
 test test
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: ldap vals[0]= '{MD5}CY9rzUYh03PK3k6DJie09g=='
 squid_ldapauth[3656]: authentication request for 'test' - ERR
 Now i change the pass to Crypt (DES):
 # squid_ldapauth -v -q -l
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: config - found key: 'ldap-server'
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: config - got value: ''
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: config - found key: 'ldap-port'
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: config - got value: '389'
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: config - found key: 'ldap-suffix'
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: config - got value: 'o=unipost'
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: config - found key: 'ldap-filter'
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: config - got value: '(uid=%s)'
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: config - found key: 'ldap-passwdfield'
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: config - got value: 'userPassword'
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: using ldap-server => ''
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: using ldap-port => '389'
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: using ldap-suffix => 'o=unipost'
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: using ldap-filter => '(uid=%s)'
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: using ldap-passwdfield => 'userPassword'
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: using ldap-binddn => ''
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: using ldap-password => ''
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: connection etablished - waiting for queries
 test test
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: ldap vals[0]= '{CRYPT}IDV1FVNqCpls2'
 squid_ldapauth[3657]: authentication request for 'test' - OK
 why not works with MD5?

Joan Ramos Ramos <>
Dpto. Inform�tica
Tel.: +34 932 232 552 (Ext. 260)
Fax.: +34 932 230 151
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