Re: [squid-users] 3 questions...

From: Kinkie <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2005 11:20:05 +0100

On Sat, 2005-01-22 at 03:37 -0600, Daniel Navarro wrote:
> Hi all,
> 1. I've found my squid port 8080 is listed as a safe
> port and denied. I do use 8080 port. is it wrong? How
> should it be configured.

Safe port means that a client can request pages hosted on servers that
answer on that port. Is it that what you're trying to do?

> 2. How do I know is my squid server is using DDISK?
> How can I activate it?

maybe you meant diskd.
You should see the child processes when doing a "ps" ("ps axf" is very
handy on Linux systems if you want to look at those things). Also, there
should be some message on cache.log about the cache_dirs being

> 3. Since I use ssh and webmin should I state 22 and
> 10000 ports as safe?

If you want to access webmin throught the proxy, you should add port
10000 to the safe_ports acl (but make sure that the ACL is effectively
used in http_access clauses). SSH is not HTTP, so you wouldn't be using
squid anyways to access it.

Received on Sat Jan 22 2005 - 03:15:53 MST

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