Re: [squid-users] log filtering

From: Daniel Navarro <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2005 11:13:52 -0600 (CST)

webalizer and sarg are good analizers

You webmin let�s you filter some log parameters.
I haven�t used it but calamaris is well mentioned.

Regards, Daniel Navarro
         Maracay, Venezuela

 --- "" <>
> I've got squid running and am asked to produce a
> report showing requests by the USER not the WEBPAGE.
> i.e. only the URLS entered or clicked by the user,
> filtering out all the extra info about the
> supporting
> files that the webpage requested (GIFS, popups,
> banners, etc).
> I've not found any appropriate logfile analyzers for
> this, and access.log doesn't seem to differentiate
> between urls requested by the USER or the WEBPAGE.
> Can anyone suggest the best logfile analyzer for
> this,
> or squid configuration options that will make
> access.log more appropriate for this?
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