[squid-users] Re: Squid Sizing and other things

From: Maik Ihde <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2005 09:38:37 +0000 (UTC)

Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uhlar <at> fantomas.sk> writes:

> Do not use stripping for squid caches. squid has its own way for using
> multiple drives, which is safer and more effective.

I have read some of the discussions about RAID and Squid, and I think that this
is a good setup for two reasons:
The System itself is running over the stripe set and also the Virusscan Proxy
will benefit from the StripeSet Performance gain.

> Use sepatate drives, filesystems and cache dirs.
> Kernel and system may be on separate drived or raid1 (mirror) for safety

There are only 2 drives in these 1U Pizzaboxes we use. So Raid 1 would have been
an option if we wanted to go for availability. We are using Kickstart and a
homemade perl script to set these machines up, so if one of the drives fails we
loose the cache, but we can do a reinstall in about 15 Minutes.

> > have the other configured as neighbour cache and on both the parent is
> > the VirusWall (3.81), which is also installed on the Squid Boxes.
> You should use aufs on linux, it behaves better than diskd.

Aha. Interesting, can you point me somewhere to find more information about
this? I think I read something that diskd was more stable than aufs or so?

Kind Regards and thanks for your ideas!
Received on Tue Feb 01 2005 - 02:50:40 MST

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