Is there any parameters telling me how much of
browsing is took directly from squid cache?
Regards, Daniel Navarro
Maracay, Venezuela
--- Chris Robertson <> escribi�:
> It's the percentage of requests that resulted in one
> of the following:
> item was not modified since last request (IMS_HIT)
> item was cached on disk (TCP_HIT)
> or
> item was still in memory (TCP_MEM_HIT)
> In the above list "item" refers to any web object
> requested by a browser
> (html page, gif image, ccs sheet, etc.).
> (I think that covers it, but it might also include
> items found on
> sibling/parent caches...)
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Navarro
> []
> Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 3:12 PM
> To: Squid Cache
> Subject: [squid-users] trying to read squid reports
> Hi,
> what does the hit percentage mean in calamaris
> report?
> Thanks, Daniel Navarro
> Maracay, Venezuela
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