Re: [squid-users] external_acl_type problem. Please help.

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 00:26:40 +0100 (CET)

On Wed, 9 Feb 2005, [ISO-8859-1] Fl�vio Henrique wrote:

> 2) I tried to run squid only as root. I can't run as "squid" (my
> cache_effective_user), because, I cant do "su squid" (I dont know the
> password).

When we asked you to run as the cache_effective_user we talked about
testing the helper alone manually.

In addition root is allowed to su to any user without password.

> 3) Sorry, but how to 'output to stderr what is receiving from
> squid'??

Modify your helper to print messages to stderr. In C this is

   fprintf(stder, "...");

in unix Shell it is

   echo "..." >&2

in perl it is

   print STDERR "..."

and similarily on most other languages. Which language have you used when
writing your helper?

Received on Wed Feb 09 2005 - 16:26:43 MST

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