Re: [squid-users] Squid eating 100% CPU

From: Ralf Hildebrandt <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 13:20:05 +0100

* Henrik Nordstrom <>:

> Well, I can't speed for Debian but it is not a security issue, and Squid
> still performs the way it should


> just wasting a bit of elictricity in
> making the CPU run around in circles while there is nothing to do

Hey, it spoils my setiathome score!

> In addition using "half_closed_clients off" works around the problem
> nicely, and is something I generally recommend using anyway as it solves a
> lot of other problems for which there is no other way of solving them..


Ralf Hildebrandt (i.A. des IT-Zentrum)
Charite - Universit�tsmedizin Berlin            Tel.  +49 (0)30-450 570-155
Gemeinsame Einrichtung von FU- und HU-Berlin    Fax.  +49 (0)30-450 570-962
IT-Zentrum Standort CBF                 send no mail to
Received on Thu Feb 10 2005 - 05:20:09 MST

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