Re: [squid-users] Can't see usernames in logs after enabling NTLM

From: Oliver Hookins <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 09:14:43 +1100

Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
>> After that we have someone who IS in the LDAP group, is in the SURFING
>> IP range and is access a site that is also not in allowedsites. The
>> connection is denied and the username is not logged.
> Here the browser did not agree on logging in to the proxy and hence the
> request is denied as you require authentication (even if faked
> verification).

This could be a problem. So any program that chooses not to
authenticate, or for some reason cannot authenticate (for example, it's
not built-in) will be denied access?

If we reversed the rules like this:

http_access allow SURFING
http_access allow allowedsites mynetwork
http_access allow AuthGroup mynetwork
http_access deny all

that would force authentication for non-SURFING && non-allowedsites
requests, right? I'm just thinking of server programs that download
stuff but don't authenticate (in which case we would put them in the

Received on Thu Feb 10 2005 - 15:14:59 MST

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