[squid-users] chapasswd.cgi :"Wrong password for user: user_name"

From: thomas <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 15:36:44 +0530

Dear All
I have compiled and installed the chpasswd.cgi 1.9.1.
I am getting the web page (-"
to change the password of a squid user placed in
But all the time we are getting error "Wrong password for user:
user_name" for a valid user created by htpasswd.
If i am giving a user_name not created thru htpasswd, it say - "User:
not found". Menas it chpasswd.cgi is able to read the

For time being I have changed the permission of file as 777 just to
overcome the permission problem. Still problem exist.
It seems something has to be changed in chpasswd.c. A
Any help is appreciated.
Received on Wed Feb 16 2005 - 03:06:47 MST

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