RE: [squid-users] squid stop responding

From: Alex <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 20:47:13 +1100

Dear Sumith,
Please note below the cache_mem configuration on my squid.conf
configuration, regarding the the ulimit-HSn 2048 TAG and the
mx_open_disk_fds TAG
can you please tell me what is the use of these tags, and if there is
anything wrong with my configuration shown below kindly correct me.

#Memory the Squid will use. Well, Squid will use far more than that.
cache_mem 128 MB
#250 means that Squid will use 250 megabytes of disk space.
cache_dir ufs /cache 1500 32 512


Sumith Gamage <> wrote:
  Dear Alex,

> and when the
> hits increased on my squid box it stops responding!!
> can you please let me know whats wrong?

  One of the reason we came across similar problem is that the limitation
  of file descriptors of the system. At the same time it might give
  problems due insufficient allocation of memory for the Squid process.

  Please try by allocating some additional memory by using "cache_mem"

  At the same time you may try to allocate more file descriptors before
  start Squid server. This can be done using "max_open_disk_fds" TAG. In
  addition to that you can allocate more file descriptors at the shell
  level by using following command.

  "ulimit -HSn 2048"

  But for more clearity make sure to check the log files. Sometimes you
  might get better hint for the problem there.

Received on Sun Mar 13 2005 - 02:42:04 MST

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