[squid-users] Problems downloading files from command line

From: Jos� J. Cintr�n <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 11:11:37 -0500

When I try to download a file using wget

        wget ftp://ftp.site.com/file-???-x86.exe

I get the following error message

502 Bad Gateway

Now, if I specify a specific file

        wget ftp://ftp.site.com/file-001-x86.exe

it all works great.

My configuration looks something like this

Lab Comp -> SQUID1 -> FW1 -> SQUID2 -> FW2 -> Internet

SQUID1 I have full control is inside my lab and is basically used to
control which sites the computers in the lab can connect to, and it has
SQUID2 defined as its parent.

        cache_peer SQUID2 parent 80 3120 proxy-only no-query

FW1 basically lets only SQUID1 to go outside of the lab.

SQUID2 and FW2 are corporate resources and I have no control over them.

If I try the same command from a computer outside of the lab (i.e. my
desktop) everything works great.

When I look at the access log file I get the following line whenever I
fail to get a file...

1110988944.015 6158 TCP_MISS/502 1644 GET
ftp://ftp.site.com/file-? - ANY PARENT/SQUID2 text/html

When the download is successful I get

1110989167.897 67189 TCP_MISS/200 9986890 GET
ftp://ftp.site.com/file-001-x86.exe - ANY PARENT/SQUID2

Any ideas will be appreciated.

| Jos� J. Cintr�n - <jcintron@mitre.org>
Received on Wed Mar 16 2005 - 09:11:43 MST

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