Re: [squid-users] timestamp

From: Ronny <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 09:38:20 +0300

Well if I want to know who was where at what time I use perl to convert
timestamps from epoch to 'human' or unix time ;-)

cat /access.log path | perl -l -a -n -e '$F[0] = scalar localtime $F[0]; print "@F"' just incase you read in your free time. ;-[


troy rad wrote:

>I have used a converter but is there a way to have the logs show local time
>instead of the utc. It would eliminate a step for me. I am new to all of

  / ''We can't become what we need to be by remaining what we are''\
  \ ,,                                                           ,,/
Received on Fri Mar 18 2005 - 23:40:15 MST

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