RE: [squid-users] squid problem with Web-Mail based sites

From: Elsen Marc <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2005 10:50:05 +0200

> Hello , i have a little problem with my squid, afte
> config and reconfigs with numerous methods i still
> have the following problem. my squid lags the user
> enourmously up to 2 minutes to load a simple page. I
> have a cache_peer setted to proxy only and there is no
> problem with that proxy.
  How do you know there's no problem with that proxy ?
>, i've ran it in windows and
> it works very well.After this test i've ran a ./squid
> -d 1 and now i get a full list of

  Check squid's access log for objects belonging to that page,
that takes long to load.
Watchout for any errors in the access log.

Check squid's cache.log too, in that context. Watchout for
further error info, if any.

Received on Fri Apr 08 2005 - 02:52:23 MDT

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