Re: [squid-users] proxy w/ auth; htmlpage before auth

From: squidrunner team <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 01:08:51 -0700 (PDT)

> is it possible to send out a html-page as answer for
> the first request of the
> user when he normally would be asked to auth
> himself?

It is not possible to do it. You can change the
authentication window heading to ask people to provide
authentication details.

Else, create a local network page and make default
page to ALL browsers to give information as, web
access wil be based on successfully authentication
only and contact informations.

Best Regards,
Squid Runner Team

SquidRunner - An Automatic Squid Builder
Mail: squidrunner_dev at yahoo dot com

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Received on Mon Apr 18 2005 - 02:08:52 MDT

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