Re: [squid-users] Major malfunction: Squid and Windows Update

From: D & E Radel <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 08:20:46 +1200

>>Can one simply set windowsupdate urls to not be cached then?
>> acl bypass dstdomain
>> no_cache deny bypass
> You'll have two problems if you do. First of all, your bandwidth will
> be taxed severely (perhaps overwhelmed) by the flood of uncached Windows
> Update requests. Secondly, the huge problems that Squid has with partial
> content will likely rear their heads even if the data isn't cached.
> The behavior I'm seeing (I'm going to write it up in detail in a
> subsequent message) is majorly, majorly bad. As in, we're seriously
> looking at taking all servers that were running Squid offline and going
> to ANYTHING else. You'll see why when I post a full account of Squid's
> behavior with Windows Update.

Is XP's auto-update feature messed up by Squid also? Or just access using a
browser to WindowsUpdate?
Received on Tue Apr 19 2005 - 14:20:17 MDT

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