RE: [squid-users] 2 squid processes

From: Chris Robertson <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 09:54:49 -0800

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Discussion Lists []
> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 8:16 AM
> To:
> Subject: [squid-users] 2 squid processes
> All,
> Obscure question here: Has anyone been able to get 2 squid processes
> running? I remember corresponding to a gentleman a while back who was
> able to get it to work, and he gave me his init-scripts, and conf files.
> Since then I have been unable to find that stuff try as I may, so I
> wanted to check with you good folks to see if any of you have something
> like that which can help me? The problem is that the single squid
> process can't handle all of what I want:
> -Internal squid listener for proxy clients
> -External squid listener to publish our websites Port 80.
> -External squid listener to publish SSL Port 443.
> I found the following link (scroll down a third of the way) and it
> describes how to do this, but it would be really helpful to see config
> files, and init files.
> t/webminguide/ch03.html+%22two+squid+processes%22&hl=en&client=firefox-a
> Thanks!

I have two squid processes running on one box, but only to take advantage of
a second processor. One instance Squid is capable of running as both a
caching proxy, and a web-accelerator

In any case, if you want to follow the path of running two processes, then
you just need to follow the FAQ on setting up each conf file. The
directives that MUST be different for each conf file are http_port, icp_port
(if it's not set to 0), cache_dir, cache_access_log (if not set to
/dev/null), cache_log, cache_swap_log, pid_filename, and snmp_port (if squid
was compiled with snmp support).

You can use the same squid binary for both processes, just specify a
different conf file for them to use (e.g. squid -f /path/to/accelerator.conf
&& squid -f /path/to/cache.conf).

Received on Fri Apr 29 2005 - 11:54:53 MDT

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