On Tue, 2005-07-05 at 18:09 -0500, Eduardo Bejar wrote:
> Kinkie,
> Thank you for your answer. I�m sorry, I�m still a bit confused. Can you give
> me an example of what do simultaneous TCP connections mean? I�ve been
> testing this and I still can�t find out when this command triggers.
HTTP is layered on top of TCP. Every time you request an object there
HAS to be a TCP connection to the server. Back in the days of pure
HTTP/1.0, every HTTP request implied opening a new TCP connection,
requesting the data, and tearing the connection down. Then came
keep-alive and pipelining, and nowadays multiple request can be
serialized on a single TCP session. But if the user-agent wants to
parallelize (and most do to some extent) multiple TCP connections will
still be opened. Keep in mind that this has _no_ relationship whatsoever
to browser sessions, but is mostly meant as a mean to mitigate the
effect of download accelerators.
Received on Wed Jul 06 2005 - 01:49:05 MDT
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