Re: [squid-users] Problem on Authentication !??!

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2005 11:08:46 +0200

Hmm funny !! The answer whas very easy to give, but I was asking for
something more valuable, helpfull !
Of curse I have sutch line in squid conf, but I have the same in 2 other
squid (not the same version) who works fine !!

here is the few lines I have for the authencitcation:
external_acl_type NT_global_group concurrency=64 %LOGIN

acl techuser external NT_global_group D-CH-BI1\SurfeursWebCAICH-T
acl webuserCA external NT_global_group D-CH-BI1\SurfeursWebCAICH
D-CH-BI1\SurfeursWebCAICH-T D-CH-BAM1\SurfeursWebBAMCH
acl webuserAutre external NT_global_group D-CH-BAM1\SurfeursWebBAMCH

acl auth proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl ca-src src

http_access deny ftp !techuser
http_access allow ca-src auth webuserCA
http_access allow !ca-src auth webuserAutre
http_access deny all

Arno Streuli

                      Washington To:
                      < cc:
                      m> Subject: Re: [squid-users] Problem on Authentication !??!
                      06.07.2005 11:02

* <> [20050706 11:57]:
> Hello,
> My squid 2.5S9 is working fin, whel almost, once in a while it ask me fot
> my username/password via a prompt !?
> and I can't trace why is that ?
> anyone have anyidea how/where I can track trace that problem ?

Somewhere in squid.conf, there are lines to do with "auth". Look
for all of them and you will get the solution.

That was so easy. Do you have any other question, please? ;)


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