RE: [squid-users] Parent Proxy Help

From: Chris Robertson <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 15:35:08 -0800

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 2:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: [squid-users] Parent Proxy Help
> Hello all,
> I am having trouble with squid 2.5.STABLE9. I had been running v
> 2.4.STABLE6 for several years without any problems, but since the
> upgrade, I have ran into a few. I have a first up parent that I need to
> route all requests through for one specific domain and the rest need to
> just be cached on the local squid proxy. I used:
> cache_peer parent 80 7 no-query proxy-only
> cache_peer_domain
> and it has been working with no other specifications. Now it appears
> that squid is trying to go direct to the sites for certain (appears to
> be cgi pages) pages, such as the main login screen. I have tried
> different cominations of:
> acl dealer-toyota dstdomain
> never_direct deny dealer-toyota

Try "never_direct allow dealer-toyota" instead of "never_direct deny dealer-toyota". The rest looks okay.

> always_direct allow all
> ..etc..
> but I can't force it to go direct for everything but I
> commented out hierarchy_stoplist -- but that didn't fix it either. This
> is a transparent proxy running on the firewall/gateway router, with a
> direct connect to the internet. The other proxy server is not under my
> control.
> Like I said, the same config file worked fine for several years under
> v2.4.STABLE6, but now I am having issues.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Nathan

Received on Mon Jul 11 2005 - 17:35:11 MDT

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