RE: [squid-users] cache_peer authentication?

From: Chris Robertson <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 10:34:36 -0800

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Duncan Reed []
> Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 2:56 AM
> To:
> Subject: [squid-users] cache_peer authentication?
> Hi all
> I'm a relative newbie, so be gentle when I'm dumb!
> I have a child proxy looking after part of a
> network, and I have it set that it directs all
> requests to a parent. I don't want the individual
> clients to authenticate to that child proxy.
> However, I do want the child proxy to authenticate to
> the parent. I can see from the documents how one would
> control access based on IP address.

Look into the cache_peer directives. Something like...

cache_peer parent 3128 7 no-query login=marketing:secret

...would authenticate against the parent proxy using the above credentials for all requests (and not do ICP queries).

> Is there a way to handle this with a username/password
> pair, and furthermore, manage that u/p pair through an
> external helper (so I could store the u/p in MySQL for
> example)?

Assuming that this is an extension of the "child authenticates for all" question above, in the parent's squid.conf if you add...

acl marketing-proxy proxy_auth marketing

... you would have an acl (named "marketing-proxy") that would match the authentication used by the hypothetical child proxy above.

As for using MySQL to store username/password combinations, that would be done by making (or finding) a program that takes in the information and spits out "OK" or "ERR". The squid.conf.default has more information.

> Duncan

Received on Fri Jul 15 2005 - 12:34:38 MDT

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