[squid-users] Question to internal behaviour of squid

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 16:21:04 +0200 (MEST)


I have a general question to the internal behaviour of squid as a reverse

Imagine there is a webserver which uses squid as a reverse proxy to serve
the content.
If a user request a site A for the first time, squid has to request A from
the server.
No let's image that this server needs several seconds to generate the site
A, e.g. 5 seconds.
My question: what happens if a second user (and many more) requests the same
site A in this 5 second time slot?
Does squid request site A again from the server or does it know that there
is already a pending request?

So, it is of interest for me if in such a long time slot a lot of identical
requests would be sent to the webserver or if squid is maintaining a list
that already a request is running and subsequent calls are put into a queue.

Hope, my question is clear!?

Thx in advance,

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