[squid-users] can the squid reverse proxy enque some get request?

From: Pakozdi Tibor <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 18:59:33 +0100 (CET)


I have the following situation:

At the web server I have a time and resource consuming page
which should be cached by the Squid (configured as reverse
proxy / http accelerator).
Let's suppose that the page generation lasts 5 seconds. At
first there is no cache at the Squid reverse proxy, then
come some HTTP GET requests in less than 5 seconds. Now at
my configuration all of the HTTP GET requests went to the
web server, individually making page generations at the web
The required behaviour would be that only the first HTTP GET
goes to the web server and the others are waiting at the
Squid reverse proxy for the cache to be generated, and from
the cache those requests could be served.
The requests after the generation time has been served from
the reverse proxy cache, so that was OK, just the requests
that came at the web server page generation time frame(that
5 sec mentionad above) has passed the reverse proxy.

I do not know if I have failed to configure the reverse
proxy or what else could happened, but at my computer it
simply did not work.

Please could you help me about this?
What can I change at the configuration to work as I have
Or is it a common (reverse) proxy behaviour?

And here is the configuration, if this is not a common
(reverse) proxy related thing, but this is only a behaviour
of some installations:
OS: Cygwin 2.510.2.2 on Win2000 SP4
Web server: Apache Web Server 2.0.53
Squid proxy: squid-2.5.STABLE12.tar.gz

Tibor Pakozdi _______________________________________________________________________ KGFB 2006 - Garant�ltan a legjobb �r! Nyerje meg az �j Swiftet + garant�lt 10,000,- Ft �rt�k� aj�nd�k. WWW.NETRISK.HU
Received on Thu Nov 10 2005 - 10:59:38 MST

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