Re: [squid-users] max resource usgae

From: Houssam Melhem <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 10:59:24 +0200

On 11/16/05, Matus UHLAR - fantomas <> wrote:
> On 15.11 14:08, Houssam Melhem wrote:
> > I have 10 SCSI Hard disks each 73GB and 8GB of RAM
> I suppose you have 64bit CPU and OS...
> > 17962 squid 18 0 2836m 2.3g 3664 R 97.6 28.9 4035:06 squid
> ...looks so
> > I configured squid to use 28 GB on each
> >
> > cache_mem 512 MB
> > cache_dir aufs /cache1/ 28000 32 256
> > cache_dir aufs /cache2/ 28000 32 256
> > cache_dir aufs /cache3/ 28000 32 256
> > cache_dir aufs /cache4/ 28000 32 256
> > cache_dir aufs /cache5/ 28000 32 256
> > cache_dir aufs /cache6/ 28000 32 256
> > cache_dir aufs /cache7/ 28000 32 256
> > cache_dir aufs /cache8/ 28000 32 256
> > cache_dir aufs /cache9/ 28000 32 256
> > cache_dir aufs /cache10/ 28000 32 256
> I'd use '64 256'

I tryed '64 256' for sometime, but i noticed that only 31 dirs where
used the other dirs were empty, and I thought this will decrease
memory usage

> > When I increase ecach cache dir size squid process takes more memory
> > and cpu becomes more busy, this leads to a full system crash (not
> > immediatelly but after a while more than 5 days), I could not figure
> > out the real source of this crash bu it is a kernel panic and the
> > squid process ID is mentioned in the error messages on screen
> the "full system crash" will probably be problem of your OS or bad HW. OS
> should not crash unless you have bad hardware. What errors are displayed
> when crash happens?

Something like: kernel panic not syncing , Error handling interrup
and squid process ID is mentioned in the error report

> > Can I take advantage of the remaining disk space on each Hard Disk?
> > Do I need more RAM?
> >
> > Or squid just can not handle this big amount of Resoures (HD and RAM)?
> Have you read Squid FAQ, the part about memory usage? That should explain
> much to you.
> I think you can safely use 50GB on each cache_dir, files up to 64MB (with
> LFUDA replacement policy) and squid should fit to 8GB of memory w/o any
> problem.

What do you mean by "files up to 64MB"?
Received on Thu Nov 17 2005 - 01:59:27 MST

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