[squid-users] Strange Responses when forwarding to a parent proxy w/ websense

From: Mario Limonciello <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2005 13:49:46 -0500


My employer uses Websense for Filtering & some MS Proxy variant for all
of our internet access. Typically we're required to enter all of this
information in to our desktops when connecting.

Now, I was attempting to set up WPAD(web proxy auto detection), and
encountered some strange results. If I had WPAD.dat point to a squid
server running on the desktop which forwarded to a parent proxy being
this MS proxy, it skips websense! I wasn't sure what to make of this,
and thought maybe websense went down. I tried again using their proxy
settings, and websense was for sure still working. I tried manually
entering my squid settings, and not doing WPAD, and again websense has
been skipped.

Can someone explain why this is happening? I mean i'm not going to
argue my ability to access my gmail at work or anything, but I'd like to
understand why.

Received on Sat Nov 26 2005 - 11:49:51 MST

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