Re: [squid-users] Squid respawning itself!?

From: James Vanns <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 14:54:47 +0000

On Mon, 2005-11-28 at 15:38 +0100, Ronny T. Lampert wrote:
> > Well the OS and platform should be obvious from the messages ;) Its
> > Redhat EL4 on a dual Pentium Xeon box though just for clarity. I've
> > trawled the log files and there are no errors that I can see that
> > related (at least obviously) to squid respawning... just the whole
> > reload blurb.
> I'd simply suggest updating to S12.
> Lots of stuff has changed, esp. critical fixes for the aufs-store (which you
> really want to use on Linux and high thruput proxies).

But this doesn't concern us does it because we aren't using the [disk]

acl all src
cache_dir null /dev/null
no_cache deny all

> If you are unexperienced I will gladly help you with the configure options.
> I also had problems at around S6, with segfaults.
> Squid only re-loads itself, when it segfaults.

Crikey! Squid is segv an awful lot then!? Seeing as this version is
shipped with EL4 shouldn't it be deemed stable and therefore not crash
every couple of minutes!? This is concerning. Perhaps I should try
Redhat's lists too.



> Cheers,
> Ronny

James Vanns BSc (Hons) MCP
Canterbury Christ Church University
Senior Systems Programmer (Linux / C & C++)
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