Re: [squid-users] Is "https_port" required for transparent (reverse) proxying?

From: Matus UHLAR - fantomas <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 14:14:10 +0100

On 30.11 17:47, Tim Neto wrote:
> The remark about "This is really only useful for situations where you
> are running squid in accelerator mode and you want to do the SSL work at
> the accelerator level." makes me question whether I need an "https_port"
> directive.
> So do I need "https_port" for transparent (reverse) proxying in 2.5
> STABLE 11?


At first, there is no need for "transparent" reverse proxying, alghough it
is possible to do.

At second, there is no need for proxying https, unless you can't directly
reach https server from client.

The meaning of reverse HTTPS proxy is to alow https connections to HTTP
servers that do not support it, or to speed up http servers byu moving SSL
functionalitty off them.

If you want "transparent" proxy, which we call intercepting (because the
word "transparent" means something completely different from HTTP's point of
view), you do not need to set https port.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [email protected] ;
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Received on Thu Dec 01 2005 - 06:14:14 MST

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