Re: [squid-users] No IP in URL

From: Christoph Haas <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 17:09:46 +0100

On Tuesday 06 December 2005 16:24, Pedro Bastos wrote:
> I am in charge to take care of Internet access on an University lab.
> Some addresses must be forbidden (most pornographic) then I use to
> manually look for suspicious addresses names and put them on my deny
> sites regexp. The issue is that the brilliant students find the IP
> address for most of websites and start to using them by IP. This is
> very common with anonymous proxies and access to instant messages
> sites as well.

I know that I repeat myself. But a moderately intelligent human-being
in front of a computer (the younger the more dangerous) will not
have trouble with blacklisted regexps in Squid. Think about:

- accessing through IP (as you describe)
- web based proxies on the internet

So if you are serious about content filtering then:

(1) Throw money at a commercial URL filter.
(2) Use whitelisting (block everything except a few trusted URLs).

Everything else is IMHO a waste of resources.


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