[squid-users] I have any problem with firefox and squid cache

From: a-ichn <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 14:20:30 +0100

When i use IE, squid cache file(files) and in next use send it file from
cache (take the HIT mark to this file), but when i use FireFox (RC1.5
ver), squid first remove this file form cache and download new copy this
file to cache (mark MISS for this file), everytime. in this time squid
don't work as the cache-server with firefox, i don't what can i change
in config file or other squid stuff. anybody help me? i search in FAQ or
mail archives but can't find it. regards j.w.

attached mail follows:

When i use IE, squid cache file(files) and in next use send it file from
cache (take the HIT mark to this file), but when i use FireFox, squid
remove! this file form cache and get new copy this file to cache (mark
MISS for this file), everytime. in this time squid don't work as the
cache-server with firefox, i don't what can i change in config file or
other squid stuff. anybody help me?
Received on Mon Dec 12 2005 - 06:20:01 MST

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