[squid-users] Fatal Error

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 15:20:47 -0500

I receive the following email from squid sem-frequently:

From: squid
To: trainier@donoteventhinkaboutspammingmetha.nx
Subject: The Squid Cache (version 3.0-PRE3-20050510) died.

You've encountered a fatal error in the Squid Cache version
If a core file was created (possibly in the swap directory),
please execute 'gdb squid core' or 'dbx squid core', then type 'where',
and report the trace back to squid-bugs@squid-cache.org.

There's never any core file, and squid continues to function just fine.

What's the scoop?

Received on Wed Dec 21 2005 - 13:22:43 MST

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