Re: [squid-users] Delay pool question

From: Leonardo Rodrigues Magalh�es <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 11:54:02 -0300

    Squid delay pools cannot guarantee that your user will get the EXACT
bandwidth in a SHORT period of time (let's say a second). Altough it can
guarantee that in 10 seconds, for example, the average bandwidth will be
the configured one. That said, squid maybe will let user get some more
bandwidth than it was supposed to in a short period of time (a second
for example). That's indicated by negative numbers. Squid will deal with
that giving less bandwidth in the next time period. The important is
that in the average, things will work as configured.

    You will see -1, -2 and -3 sometimes, but i have never seem
something like -10 or -20.

Joost de Heer escreveu:

>I have configured a delay pool as follows:
>delay_pools 1
>delay_class 1 3
>delay_access 1 allow all
>delay_parameters 1 240000/240000 -1/-1 30000/120000
>mgr:delay gives the following output for the individual buckets:
> Individual:
> Max: 120000
> Rate: 30000
> Current [Network 0]: 1:120000
> Current [Network 15]: 60:-3
> Current [Network 208]: 144:0
> Current [Network 3]: 154:120000
> Current [Network 248]: 20:120000 130:120000 140:120000
> Current [Network 16]: 3:120000 4:120000
> Current [Network 119]: 122:120000
>As far as I understand delay pools, this looks OK, but what does '-3' mean
>for 15.60 ?

	Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
	Leonardo Rodrigues
	Solutti Tecnologia
	Minha armadilha de SPAM, N�O mandem email
	My SPAMTRAP, do not email it
Received on Tue Feb 14 2006 - 06:56:44 MST

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