Re: [squid-users] premium proxy services

From: Mark Elsen <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 15:49:28 +0100

> If anyone else on this list has set up a two proxies (one as main proxy and
> another as a premium proxy service) using cache_peer and acl options for
> premium destinations and has it working, please assist if you can.
> To summarise, I want all my clients to point to the main proxy (PROXY A)
> as they currently do. On PROXY A i will have a list of domains that must be
> handled by PROXY B so that if a user wants to access one of these domains,
> the reqeust will seamlessly be passed to PROXY B. On my bandwdith management
> tool, I will then give PROXY B higher priority. and I will restrict PROXY B
> to only go to sites that I deem high priority .
> I need to get this working.

Hmm, perhaps this is relevant, from squid.conf.default :

# use 'login=PASS' if users must authenticate against
# the upstream proxy. This will pass the users credentials
# as they are to the peer proxy. This only works for the
# Basic HTTP authentication scheme. Note: To combine this
# with proxy_auth both proxies must share the same user
# database as HTTP only allows for one proxy login.
# Also be warned this will expose your users proxy
# password to the peer. USE WITH CAUTION

Note the remark, that apparently, only one of the 2 can use auth.
If the 2 proxies need auth, you can login=PASS on the cache_peer
argument, provided they use the same user database.

Received on Sun Feb 19 2006 - 07:32:23 MST

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