Re: [squid-users] Cannot authorize payment

From: Mark Elsen <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 22:17:10 +0100

> I have a piece of software called POS-systems for credit card authorization.
> It has been working fine until last week. It tends to coincide when I added
> another rule to the squid.conf file.

  Which rule are you talking about ?

> I have commented the rule out, but
> still having the same problem.
> When I try to authorize a transaction I get a 40002 error message, looking
> it up on the POS-systems website, this is a tcp/ip connection issue. After
> working with them and finding the software setup properly, I looked at my
> access.log file to see what was going on. Here is what I see:
> -------------------------
> 1140552332.683 2 TCP_DENIED/407 1729 CONNECT
> - NONE/- text/html
> ----------------------------
> Normally I would expect to see at least 4 lines in a row with this
> information because I am using NTLM and basic authentication. When I open a
> browser, I can nagivate to this The ports that
> are required to be open and bi-directional are 443, 563, and 2112. Here is
> what I have in my squid.conf:

 Perhaps the POS client does not support NTLM auth ?

Received on Tue Feb 21 2006 - 14:17:12 MST

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