Re: [squid-users] cpu usage increases over time, squid performance declines

From: Mike Solomon <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 17:01:26 -0800

All of the machines have had a full process restart and they are
still experiencing the same problems, so it looks as if
half_closed_clients wasn't the source of the problem.


On Feb 22, 2006, at 1:12 PM, Mike Solomon wrote:

> I added this line to the config on two of my hosts, but it did not
> have any effect. The host experienced the same amount of slowdown
> under high load and had to be restarted.
> I should note that I changed the config file and did:
> sudo squid -k reconfigure
> I did not kill the process.
> I'm not sure if I understand half_closed_clients exactly, but the
> number of active file descriptors did not change significantly.
> As I mentioned before, turning down the keep-alive time and
> lowering the active file descriptors did not seem to have any
> effect previously.
> Thanks,
> -Mike
> On Feb 21, 2006, at 2:47 PM, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
>> tis 2006-02-14 klockan 22:31 -0800 skrev Mike Solomon:
>>> This would be fantastic, but the machines "fall over" after several
>>> hours. I have 4 machines, each configured identically. They last a
>>> few hours - they slowly consume more and more cpu, all in user
>>> space,
>>> until it starts affecting the median HTTP repsonse time. Then
>>> throughput drops precipitously.
>> Try
>> half_closed_clients off
>> Regards
>> Henrik
Received on Thu Feb 23 2006 - 18:01:22 MST

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