Re: [squid-users] acl public ip and auth

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2006 11:24:21 +0100

mån 2006-03-06 klockan 10:10 +0100 skrev Žiga Dolher:
> The system ask me for authentication, like an user from other networks. If
> I remove the http_access for authentication, the browser can't find the
> proxy server.
> In access.log and the cache.log I can't see nothing, because I use
> dansguardian (redirector). This is the log from dansguardian:
> 2006.3.5 8:35:33 - "my_ip"
> 1368
> If I set that all can access to proxy, it works without problems..

Because you use dansguardian, the source IP seen by your Squid is


Received on Mon Mar 06 2006 - 03:24:26 MST

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