Re: [squid-users] URI suffix remove

From: Jose Celestino <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 11:37:01 +0000

Words by Henrik Nordstrom [Sat, Mar 11, 2006 at 12:17:02PM +0100]:
> l�r 2006-03-11 klockan 01:29 +0000 skrev Jose Celestino:
> > Had a problem similar to
> > that is: to be able to ignore the suffix of the URI for caching and retrieving
> > purposes.
> >
> > For example imagine you have the following URI request:
> >
> > /mybanners/468x60N/lrec-pink3.swf?clicktag=http%3A//
> >
> > In a not uncommon scenario files like these are served by a squid proxy.
> Correct.
> > And there's, of course, no server side use for that mumbo-jumbo.
> Incorrect. It's used for statistical and kickback reasons.. but doing so
> on relatively large shockwave files is plain stupid if you ask me..

Not on swf, js, or other client-side processed files. The http server
accelerated by squid does no processing whatsoever, no php, no mod_perl.

> > But you either end not caching it or caching useless, always diferent, objects.
> These are normally not cached by Squid thanks to the ?


> > The solution would be to discard everything after (and including) the 1st '?'.
> very very many sites query parameters are used to select which
> page/image/file etc to display.
> The correct approach would be to send the webmasters of sites using such
> links to read
> If you really want to do someting like this then it is best done via the
> redirector interface. You should only do it when you know for 110%
> certain that it is OK, which means a quite detailed ruleset with
> per-site rules and what junk should be stripped away from those URLs.

Perhaps you didn't understand that these are our sites, squid is acting
as an accelerator. So we know with 200% certainty what we want to clean.
That's the only scenaria I find this of use.

Jose Celestino |
"You just have to accept that some days you are the pigeon,
and some days you are the statue." - David Brent
Received on Sat Mar 11 2006 - 04:36:25 MST

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