Re: [squid-users] urlpath_regex doesn't match

From: Mark Elsen <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 18:01:14 +0100

> You didn't say what you want to accomplish. But content types and Squid are
> a typical issue of "YMMV". :)

Yes, but what SQUID does on that field, isn't anything that bad, as for instance
Windows os-es and their attitude on that matter : 'Throw all security
problems, to heaven
and trust content-types, all the way in your live.

Windows is lovely, at least it doesn't know about a world, with
posssible 'internet terrorists' ; lets all live in peace.

Hara Krishna, hare hare,
Hare Krishna, Hare Micro-Soft.

Received on Thu Mar 16 2006 - 10:01:23 MST

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