Re: [squid-users] Non-cached pages with squid 2.5-stable13

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2006 16:57:56 +0100

sön 2006-03-19 klockan 11:53 +0100 skrev Stefan Neufeind:

> I've read that squid might not be caching it, since the expires is less
> than 60 seconds in the future. Is that true?

The 60 seconds limit is only on objects not having an cache validator
(i.e. Last-Modified).

> What does the "validation returned same object" mean and why is it
> printed in read?

The cacheability check engine when finding a cache validator sens a
conditional request with this validator (i.e. If-Modified-Since
condition for the Last-Modified validator). Your server responded to
this with a full identical response rather than the "304 Not modified"
that was expected. This is undesired, but not related to your problem.

Received on Sun Mar 19 2006 - 08:58:00 MST

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