Hello guys,
I'm trying use squid-2.5.STABLE13 authenticating
against Active directory on W2000K and have problems.
Searching in the history of list, I saw many questions
and answers relating to the same problem but I can't
correct my issue.
take a look:
On AD:
the tree is:
(binding as anonymous)
Usind ldapbrowser tool I got success retrieving the
On Squid:
[root@proxytest libexec]# ./squid_ldap_auth -R -b
"dc=ymdb,dc=interno" -h -p 389
user01 password
ERR Success
The user01 was created on AD inside "Internet" group
So I also tried like it:
I gues that the problem is on the ldapsearch, but I
can't locate it
anyone can help me ?
thanks a lot in advance
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Received on Tue Mar 28 2006 - 04:22:51 MST
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