RE: [squid-users] Custom Log

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 13:23:39 +0200

tor 2006-03-23 klockan 09:03 +0200 skrev Cole:
> Hi.
> Apparently it seems im looking for the wrong thing then maybe. What I would like to log is the
> request from the client, the entire size in its totality.
> The entire request from beginning to end,
> the entire size of all packets together that would go into a normal request to squid for each
> access.log line.

Which usually is no more than the request line + request headers, and
the only size variable (for the same client) is the length of the URL in
the request line..

- Cookies, adds the the size of the request header
- PUT/POST or other requests with request-entities. The size of the
request entity is determined by the Content-Length request header.

Squid does not see packets. Squid sees a stream of data formatted per
the HTTP protocol specification, usually carried over TCP.


Received on Wed Mar 29 2006 - 04:23:45 MST

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