Re: [squid-users] The requested URL could not be retrieved

From: Chris Robertson <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 02 May 2006 14:43:18 -0800

yves wrote:

>I just have setup a Suse novell v10 on an AMD 64 machine
>I need to have that machine being the routher between my small network of 5
>windows Win2k machiness and the Internet.
>The Linux machine has two network cards, one is a nic pci connected to the
>internal network the other is a wireless card connecting to the dsl that is
>on an access point linksys.
>I cannot go through in any way....
>I need help here.
>Here is the browser message I get from the window machine.
>The requested URL could not be retrieved
>While trying to retrieve the URL:
>The following error was encountered:
>Access Denied.
>Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this
>time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this is incorrect.
>Your cache administrator is webmaster.
>Generated Tue, 02 May 2006 15:12:06 GMT by ybdigital.ybdigitals
First, be aware that Squid is only going to proxy HTTP traffic, not
route it (nor anything else). Then have a look at the FAQ on ACLs. The section on
debugging might be of the most use.

Received on Tue May 02 2006 - 16:43:24 MDT

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