[squid-users] Squid Benchmarking using polygraph

From: Prabu <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 11:53:59 +0530

Hello All,

I tried to benchmark squid with the polygraph,with a polyserver and two

when i give the parameter(TheBench.peak_req_rate= 800/sec;)same in
workloads(.pg file) of all the three machine the test is running

But when i give the parameter as

TheBench.peak_req_rate = 800/sec;

TheBench.peak_req_rate = 400/sec;

TheBench.peak_req_rate = 400/sec;

It threw the error

000.10| Connection.cc:485: error: 1/1 (s113) No route to host
000.10| error: raw write after connect failed
000.10| connection to failed after 0 reads, 0 writes, 1 xacts
000.10| Connection.cc:485: error: 2/2 (s113) No route to host
000.10| error: raw write after connect failed

*Should the parameter(TheBench.peak_req_rate) in **workload(.pg file) be
same for all the server and client machines.

*If so what is the use of using two polyclients.*
Thanks in Advance
-- Prabu.M.A
Received on Thu May 11 2006 - 00:21:14 MDT

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