Re: [squid-users] Maxconn Scenario

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 09:36:39 +0200

ons 2006-05-10 klockan 11:29 +0700 skrev Lazuardi Nasution:
> Regarding the 3rd scenario, how to count cache_peer_access/miss_access
> connections per client ? I just want to limit only
> cache_peer_access/miss_access connections but not total connections from each
> client.

You then first need to implement this kind of counter within Squid.
Squid currently only keeps a counter of how many connections each client
have, not how many of these are cache misses.


Received on Thu May 11 2006 - 01:37:14 MDT

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