Re: [squid-users] authenticate_ip_ttl 2 hours not working

From: Visolve squid <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 19:03:40 +0530

Hello pwasenda,

You should configure "acl aclname max_user_ip [-s] number" in squid
configuration file, to make "authenticate_ip_ttl" work for more than
one ip addresses.
where the parameter(max_user_ip) controls the timeout on the ip entries.
s is specified the limit is strict, denying browsing from any further IP
addresses until the ttl has expired. Without s Squid will just annoy the
user by "randomly" denying requests.(the counter is reset each time the
limit is reached and a request is denied)

Visove Squid Team,

On Wed, 2006-05-10 at 11:15 +0300, wrote:
> my authenticate_ip_ttl 2 hours line doesn't work. i can logon on two seperate
> pc's and browse without any glitch. am using ntlm_auth..
> solution ?
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