Re: [squid-users] File extension blocking rules

From: Leonardo Rodrigues Magalh�es <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 09:54:44 -0300

Odhiambo WASHINGTON escreveu:
> It's time to integrate a true content filter, like Dansguardian[1],
> which will (when integrated with an Anti-virus) do real scanning of
> all content. Squid can then do what is was born for - caching/proxying.

    Yes, great tip ..... but unfortunelly most of the antivirus will
fail to catch most of those worms that are being sent in .scr links on
emails these days ...

    I have tested several of these worms, collected in my users
messages, and scanned with clamav McAfee and Norton .... it was nearly a
completly failure.

    I agree that integrating squid with antivirus is great, but it's
wrong to think that this will keep you free from these kind of shit that
will reach your network/users through http ...... Unfortunelly, but at
least in my tests, completly true.

	Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
	Leonardo Rodrigues
	Solutti Tecnologia
	Minha armadilha de SPAM, N�O mandem email
	My SPAMTRAP, do not email it
Received on Thu May 18 2006 - 06:58:11 MDT

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