Re: [squid-users] Caching of responses for a small group of clients not using the cache themselves

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 13:51:44 +0200

tis 2006-05-23 klockan 12:22 +0200 skrev Bjørn Erik Olsrød:

> Note that I would like to cache the responses for clients in Group A, so any
> clients in Group B may access these objects (originally requested by any
> client regardless of belonging to group A or B) directly from cache. Hence
> clients in group B have access to the entire cache, whilst no clients in
> group A should ever "access" the cache (but nevertheless contribute to
> filling it).

This is not impossible, but requires some changes to the code. See the
first few lines of clientProcessRequest2


Received on Wed May 24 2006 - 05:51:50 MDT

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