Re: [squid-users] FIFO/multiple requests for uncached object question

From: Nick Baronian <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 15:31:30 -0400

Thanks Henrik, I thought I saw a post a while back stating 2.6 is on
hold and 3.0 will be released before then. If this is true will 3.0
have collapsed forwarding?

Nick Baronian

On 5/24/06, Henrik Nordstrom <> wrote:
> tis 2006-05-23 klockan 16:32 -0400 skrev Nick Baronian:
> > stale Squid contacts my Apache server and pulls the page up but what
> > happens if multiple calls come in at relatively the same time. Does
> > Squid notice it is currently requesting that object and put the other
> > calls on hold or does each one get passed on thru to the web server as
> > misses and requests a fresh copy from Apache?
> Squid-2.5 sends all of them in parallel to the server.
> Squid-2.6 and later will have a "collapsed_forwarding" option making it
> join the requests into a single request.
> Regards
> Henrik
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Received on Wed May 24 2006 - 13:31:33 MDT

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