Re: [squid-users] Best Caching Engine

From: Aaron Chu <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 15:40:56 -0700

I've also been looking at commercial caching products. What I've
found are:

squid - of course
netcache - appliances - they have a lot of large customers (yahoo,
myspace, etc) and their c2300 unit is priced at $20k
bluecoat - applicances - not too clear on their product line, but I
spoke with them and it seems their product is a player in the market
stratacache - servers with their own tuned OS and caching engine -
they have very large systems, but they seem like a very brute-force
approach (something like 48 disks in one chassis)
jaguar3000 - software - an off-shore company, with limited info online.

There are also a number of companies offering memory-based caching
products, which are limited to a few gigs of cache size. Caching is
also bundled into a lot of load balancers/traffic managers,
application servers, etc.

Aaron Chu

On May 26, 2006, at 3:07 PM, <>
<> wrote:

> Hi
> Does anyone know which is the best (commercial or freeware) caching
> engine for Large ISP? Is there any comparison sheet between different
> cache engine?
> Thanks - LK
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